jueves, 4 de julio de 2024

Why is Pardo's law of the programmed universe a law?

Because it is fulfilled, permanently and everywhere in the development of the universe, that it obeys chained events. Something does not happen in space if something else did not happen first.

The chained events put the program in view, at the same time the program develops the chained events. That is why there is no programmer outside the system.

It is a self-program, not a divine design. A result of the imbalance of energy that always was, is and will be. That is the basis of existence itself and eternal.

Imbalance is a game between opposing forces of action and reaction.

A unipolar universe cannot exist where all force has the same direction, intensity, and meaning. The resultants are other forces that interact. But all of them without exception are part of the development of the program.

Quantum physics cannot disprove the law of the programmed universe, but Pardo's laws can disprove several concepts of quantum physics that in some are nothing more than science fiction, which perhaps unintentionally try to justify religion, where it does. It is unjustifiable, since there is no evidence but biblical stories and beliefs proclaimed to the world as if it were truth.